The camera on the Galaxy S9 is capable of taking some astonishing images through the various modes that it comes with. In this video, I'll show you how to quickly change camera modes to get the best out of your camera.

Let's take a await at the dissimilar photographic camera modes bachelor on your S9 and S9 Plus. Now, for this video, keep in mind, we are using an S9 Plus. Some of these camera modes are going to be specific to this device only as it does have dual cameras. Some of the modes practise require the dual cameras to exist present.

Become ahead and open the camera. Past default, it's going to launch yous into Auto. This is going to be the automatic manner. All y'all have to do is tap on the shutter push, and it'southward going to have a picture. Tap anywhere on the screen to focus. It'southward going to automatically effort and conform the exposure based upon what information technology'due south trying to focus on. All you have to do is snap a photograph from at that place.

Swipe over to the left, and we have Live Focus. This is an S9 Plus characteristic only, because information technology does require both cameras as it'due south trying to accept our subject here. We tap with the focus, and it's going to try and blur out the background using the depth information that it'due south gaining from that second photographic camera.

Swipe over from the left there, nosotros accept Pro Mode. This will allow us to adjust all of the settings on our camera manually downwards at the bottom of the screen. We have our ISO, we take our shutter speed, we take some dissimilar camera profiles. We can adjust our actual focusing, our white balance and even the exposure settings right hither on the bottom of the screen.

Swipe over to the left from there, we accept Panorama which will allow usa to cull any specific bespeak and begin taking a panorama. All we exercise is tap on the shutter button and and then motility the camera in either the left or correct direction, and try and keep the camera as direct as possible, and it's going to take a panorama.

We have one more than swipe over to the left. Information technology's going to accept u.s.a. into the Food Mode. What we need to practise is drag the circle around wherever the nutrient is on the screen and take a picture. It's going to try and raise the colors and the features of that food automatically in this mode.

We do have, all the style over to the right, we have our Super Boring Motion which is going to be the 960 frames a second, 720p video. All we practice is tap on the square and try and tape anything that ends in that move in the square.

Swiping over one more time, we have AR Emoji which we tin create AR Emoji using the selfie camera. It'southward going to tailor these emojis to ourselves. In at that place is Hyperlapse, which this will take a fourth dimension lapse. All nosotros have to practise is just adapt and focus our camera wherever we want to. Tap the tape push button and it's going to first taking the Hyperlapse, or fourth dimension lapse, mode correct here in the camera.

You lot'll detect that all of those modes were dealing with the camera. If we want to record video, all we need to do is tap the record push button. It's the left of the shutter button down at the bottom of the screen. It's going to offset recording video in whatsoever resolution we have it set to.

For any one of these bodily camera settings, we take options down below to fill up the entire screen, and then we have the viewfinder turned on. We can adjust our wink to automated or off. Nosotros can actually choose some basic filters here on the photographic camera modes. So, if we come back out, we can actually adjust the front facing camera or the rear facing camera on that little button downwards on the lesser correct hand corner.

With the S9 Plus, nosotros have this times 2 button in the bottom right hand corner, which nosotros'll go ahead … And if we tap on that and information technology's going to switch over to the secondary camera. We can tap the times one and it's going to accommodate to the main primary camera.

There'southward as well down at the bottom left hand corner, we have this lilliputian heart icon. That is our Bixby Vision, and then nosotros can get ahead and launch Bixby Vision by tapping in that location in the lesser left hand corner of the screen. In the settings icon in the bottom left hand corner will be all of our camera settings, which we will have a deep dive into all of the photographic camera settings in a separate video. That is how you access them from any 1 of those screens.

Any one of these other screens, if nosotros have some settings down below, you'll notice that some of them, we can really accommodate the blur here on our Alive Focus. We tin can even adjust the viewfinder. In the Pro Manner, we have all of our controls downwardly at the bottom of the screen.

Those are your camera modes on your Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus. If you lot found this video useful, be sure and give it a thumbs upwardly. For more than videos like this, be sure to subscribe to StateofTech. We'll see you in the next one.

Make sure to check out our other Samsung Milky way S9 and S9+ Quick Tip Videos.