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Samsung has successfully collected almost all the Galaxy Annotation 7 devices information technology sold last yr, save for a few stubborn (and reckless) holdouts who don't want to give up their explosive phones. That leaves the company with millions of high-cease smartphones in storage, and the hardware is however perfectly practiced. The question is what to do with them. A new written report from SamMobile claims the company has started a project to recycle the old Note 7 hardware into a new device.

The Galaxy Annotation 7 came out in the autumn of 2016 to rave reviews. The device was undeniably beautiful and had a killer screen. All the same, reports of phones bursting into flames began to pile up fast. There are always a few batteries that fail considering of manufacturing defects or damage, only this was a more widespread upshot. Samsung started a recall and sent out phones with new batteries. Those phones showed a tendency to take hold of fire too.

The 2d recall spelled doom for the Note 7 — Samsung opted to remove the device from auction and movement on. It has spent the intervening months pushing updates that reduced the battery capacity, added nags about returning the telephone, and eventually blocked the phone's ability to recharge completely. Most owners took the hint and sent the phone back for a refund.

Samsung's investigation of the battery fires pointed to two distinct defects in the sometime and new batteries that acquired the internal construction to short, leading to overheating and eventual fire. With the problem definitively narrowed downwardly to the 3,300mAh lithium-ion cell, Samsung is free to reuse the balance of the hardware. That'south obviously what it'due south doing with the "Grace R" projection. "Grace" was the Notation seven's lawmaking name, and the "R" stands for refurbished.

note fire

The new device would not simply exist the Note 7 with nonetheless another battery. In fact, it'south non probable to have Note branding at all. The components would be used to build a completely new phone with unlike features and chassis blueprint. Samsung would probably discard the stylus, which is at the heart of the Annotation make, just the v.7-inch curved AMOLED display, 12MP camera, and mainboard with Snapdragon 820 are all notwithstanding perfectly usable.

The resulting telephone could really exist quite nice, but Samsung volition reportedly use a smaller bombardment to exist actress sure nothing goes incorrect. The Grace R telephone might just be launched in South korea with model number SM-N935. This is all yet unofficial, merely continue an eye out for a new Samsung phone with a Snapdragon 820 and 5.vii-inch display. Yous might be looking at a Frankensteined Annotation 7.